Alerton’s Microset 4 wall sensor offers a sleek, modern look that is a perfect fit in any building. Its strengthened glass touchscreen user interface has the capability to display the setpoint, room, and outside air tempera- tures. Relative humidity and fan status can also be displayed. A configurable LED Status Light indicator displays heating or cooling status at a glance. The Microset 4 sensor offers several options to meet precise job specifications. The Microset 4 is fully backward compatible with Alerton’s BACtalk™ system, providing users with a tenant control interface, test and balance tool, and field service tool, while enabling them to leverage their existing Alerton devices. The Microset 4 line of wall sensors includes a model with a carbon dioxide (CO2) sensor as well as one with MS/TP capability. The flexible Microset 4 displays information and allows occupant control according to the application. Customizable and intuitive operation enables occupants to turn zone HVAC equipment ON or OFF in 30-minute increments for sporadically occupied areas, such as conference rooms, to set window blinds to open or closed, and offers optional control of lights and fan. This makes saving energy easy and supports green standards of building construction and operation. With its sleek edge-to-edge hardened glass, capacitive touch backlit display, and polished finish, Alerton’s Microset 4 wall sensor offers a full comple- ment of features and looks good on any wall.